Making disciples by glorifying God consistently, educating continuously, evangelizing contagiously and extending disciple making to all.
Bishop Charles W. Pink, II is a native of Opelika, Alabama. He is the 2nd of seven children born to Charlie, Sr. and Elizabeth Pink.
Bishop Pink accepted Christ at the age of six and became a member of the Mount Sinai Baptist Church, Auburn, AL. While growing in the Lord at Mt. Sinai, he was an active member of the choir, served as church school superintendent, taught church school and Bible class, served as church treasurer, member of the Deacon Board, as well as Deacon Board Chairman. Bishop Pink was licensed to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in May of 1981 and he was Ordained in December of 1981.
The purpose of the church is to make disciples by glorifying God consistently, educating continuously, evangelizing contagiously, and extending disciple-making to all.
God calls us to use the wits He gave us, but this requires extensive education, training and apprenticeship, in both spiritual and academic matters.
As part of our calling as disciples, we teach a developmental program in mathematics to our children, in the hope that they will grow into the Spirit and mental strengths that God has endowed them with.
We intend to build a multidimensional complex to minister to the natural (spiritual) and physical needs of those around us. We call this the
Family Life Center (FLC).
The mission of the Associate Ministers Ministry of New Creation Discipleship Ministries is to serve in the Body of Christ according to their spiritual gift(s) and talent(s) to fulfill the needs and assist in the disciple making process.
The mission of the Christian Education Ministry of New Creation Discipleship Ministries is to identify and equip persons to work within the Christian Education Ministry and assist in the disciple making process by identifying and developing effective Christian curriculum.
The mission of the Small Groups Ministry is to foster spiritual growth, develop meaningful relationships and discover and exercise spiritual gifts through prayer, biblical teachings and sharing one with another while developing leaders and accomplishing the mission of making disciples.
The mission of the Gospel Arts Ministry of New Creation Discipleship Ministries is to use the art of dance, drama and music in worship to assist in the disciple making process of people of all ages.
The Praise Team of New Creation Discipleship Ministries is called, inspired, directed and strengthened by God’s Spirit to communicate God’s unconditional love for all people through prayer and the universal language of music.
The mission of the Nursing Home Ministry is to deliver God’s Word to the nursing home patients in the form of songs and praises.
The mission of the Orientation Ministry is to introduce and familiarize new members to the structure and order of New Creation Discipleship Ministries to prepare them for discipleship.
A unique community of young followers of Christ leading a never-ending stream of seekers to a relationship with Him through discipleship.
This ministry shall glorify the Lord, educate, evangelize and extend disciple making with its God given musical talents. The Music Ministry will utilize traditional, contemporary and innovative methods to praise the Lord during all church services and special events.
The mission of the Prison Ministry is to visit and support those who are incarcerated by sharing the Word of God through the disciple making process.
We are a ministry founded on Biblical principles for the common good of humanity.